2025 Seminar Themes

Please complete the below Expression of Interest (EOI) form if you are interested in presenting at Cenex Expo 2025. Closing date is Friday 28th March.

We are pleased to launch our expression of interest (EOI) to present at this year’s Cenex Expo.  Each year we run a similar process, contacting UK and international stakeholders from across the Net Zero and Connected Automated Mobility (CAM) communities, requesting EOIs to present within our seminar programme. 

Our Cenex Expo seminar programme this year aims to:

  • Showcase state-of-the-art technology developments and industry initiatives in Net Zero transport and the supporting energy infrastructure as well as in Connected Automated Mobility (CAM).

  • Disseminate learning from research and demonstration projects.

  • Provide updates on policy and market trends driving innovation.

  • Explore “what next?” for both sectors.

 The programme will be focused around three thematic areas as follows:

  • the Transition to Net Zero

  • the Transition to Connected Automated Mobility

  • cross cutting and Cross Sector Technology Transfer

The expression of interest programme is open to UK and international organisations to propose speakers, thereby helping ensure the seminar programme has the latest insights from a range of expert speakers, reflecting the diversity within the Net Zero and CAM audiences.

Presentations can be related either to technology, market, supply chain or policy developments. Timescales for consideration include the lead up to the phasing out of new cars that rely solely on internal combustion engines by 2030, as well as the longer timescales through to 2050. 

For the Transition to Net Zero themes, we will look at market development and innovation across technology areas including:

  • Design, Engineering and Test

  • Advanced Powertrain electrification technologies including batteries and Power Electronics, Machines and Drives

  • Vehicle engineering for Zero Emission Vehicles 

  • Hydrogen technologies including fuel cells and hydrogen internal combustion engines

  • EV Charging and Vehicle-to-Grid

We are looking for speakers to discuss the key innovations, market opportunities and challenges under the following four themes, please click on the blue boxes below to see more information.

For the Transition to Connected Automated Mobility theme, speaker topics will split into the following five sub themes, please click on the purple boxes below to see more information.

For the Cross cutting and Cross Sector Technology Transfer theme

Sessions from our seminar programme will be presented in various engaging formats, ranging from:

  • Presentations and panel discussions

  • Debates

  • Tech talks